Thursday, October 30, 2008

determining the sex of your children

By Dr. Violet Butler
You men out there are the sole parties responsible for passing on the genetic codes to determine if a child is male or female. It is a simple fact of biology: the Xx combination of sperm and egg create a female; the Xy are male. All eggs are X. Sperm can be either X or Y. So don't blame us for the child's sex; it's really up to you. Now I'm going to explain in very simplistic terms the ways you can actually turn the odds in favor of your choice of girls or boys.
Now remember - conception takes place in the fallopian tube with the first sperm to reach and penetrate the surface of the egg. Thus conception is the result of a race amongst millions of little swimming sperm to reach the single available egg. (A small percentage women ovulate on both sides simultaneously and have a higher propensity to create fraternal twins).
There are two kinds of sperm: the androsperm or male-genetic-code-carrying version and the genosperm or female. For simplicity let's call the boys Andys and the girls Gennys. Determining the sex of your child has to do with taking advantage of the unique characteristics of each. Here are those we can easily manipulate:
Andys are smaller and swim faster. But like the hare versus the turtle, Andys don't swim as far and don't last very long. Consider them the sprinters.
The Gennys are larger and slower. They can last up to 36 hours in some vaginal environments. Call them the long-distance runners.
Men tend to increase the ratio of Andys to Gennys in the "load" when there has been an extended period of abstinence. This has been shown over the years where the first generation of children after men have been away at war have a higher portion of males than the long-term average. Also certain cultures who only engage in sexual intercourse once a month at the expected time of fertility have very high proportions of males (60+ percent),
Gennys favor more acidic environments. Andys like basic.
What to do? There are five things to remember:
Penetration - The closer the point at which the "load" (the ejaculate) is delivered to the egg the more likely a sprinter (an Andy) will win the race. So guys, to make boys, stick it all the way in when you reach climax.
T-iming If the load is delivered before the egg is available the Andys will die off and the Gennys will be there waiting. Ovulation usually takes place around the 14th day of the cycle (measured by as day one being the start of the menstrual period). Intercourse on the 12th or 13th day will favor Gennys because there will be no egg to fertilize for a day or two. To make boys, make an appointment on the 14th day. If you really want to be specific get a thermometer and wait until her temperature rises slightly.
Viscocity - Vaginal liquids are relatively thick and present an impediment to the Gennys. Andys swim right through these thick liquids. To make boys, make her real happy (several times) prior to delivering the load. Even you "jack-rabbit" 60-second climaxers can make boys if you properly prepare your woman's love canal with some oral or other stimulation. So take your time. (If you must cheat use a little sterile lubricant like K-Y.)
Abstinence - If you do it every day you'll probably make a girl as the "Andy/Genny" ratio in the ejaculate will decline. So save it up a little if you want a boy.
Acid/base - To make girls use the acid-containing douches (vinegar). For boys use baking soda.
If you follow these steps, a study from the mid-70's determined that you will have an 85% chance of getting what you want.
Violet Butler is a practicing physician in the Los Angeles area.

Monday, October 27, 2008

How to get Rid of Pimples Quickly

While getting rid of pimples quickly is nearly impossible there are some tricks you can use to conceal them until they go away.
There is nothing worse then an outbreak of pimples a few days before a big event such as your wedding, the prom, or that first big date with someone you have always wanted to go out with. You go to sleep one night and the next morning there they are, a few red blemishes that you know are going to grow into ugly red bumps crowned with a little with pustule.

Where did they come from and how can you get rid of those pimples quickly? Pimples are a product of a bacterium that lives a normal peaceful life on the surface of your skin. Its name is Propionibacterium acnes.

This bacteria is normally harmless until it gets into the pores and hair follicles of your skin. Normally these pores and follicles have a substance called sebum that flows to the surface of the skin, keeping the bacteria out. If the hair follicles get plugged the bacteria get into the pore and start growing until the body reacts by sending white blood cells to deal with the infection. This causes inflammation and swelling and a pimple is born.

For most people the first reaction is to pop the little buggers. But this is not always the best choice for getting rid of pimples quickly. Popping pimples can actually cause more harm then good and can lead to more pimples.

Why? Think about it. A pimple is nothing more then a tiny little infection in the skins pores. By popping it you break down the protective barrier the body's immune system has built to contain the infection. When you pop a pimple this barrier break down and the pus and bacteria can spread underneath the skin to form new pimples. Plus if you keep digging at a pimple you can end up with a nice looking scab and in some cases scars.

The best plan of action if you have to get rid of your pimples quickly is to actually hide their presence while the body naturally deals with the problem. Here are a few tips to help hide or conceal pimples.

1. Use a concealor – This is just basically a skin toned base makeup that will mask pimples from even the most discerning eye by blending it into the natural color of you skin.

2. Ice – Apply ice to the pimple a few times a day. This will reduce the swelling and make the pimple much less noticeable.

3. Toothpaste – Many people claim that toothpaste applied to a pimple before they go to bed can reduce the swelling and make the pimple nearly disappear by the next morning.

4. Drink water – Water lubricates and helps facilitate the removal of toxins from the body that may contribute to acne.

5. Use pimple cream – There are many over-the-counter pimple creams on the market today. They contain benzyl peroxide or salicylic acid that have been shown to help get rid of pimples. Many of them come in flesh colored tones, which helps conceal the pimple at the same time.

Getting rid of your pimples quickly is not always easy to do in a short amount of time. But with the tips given above you can hide your outbreak until your pimples disappear on their own.
These are only a few of the ways to naturally treat pimples.

How to prepare with sweet pepper

Preparation time: 20 minutes, plus marinating time Cooking time: 10 minutes

Ingredients1 lemon, grated rind and juice 2 cloves garlic, crushed 30 ml castor sugar 10 ml dried origanum 2 ml cayenne pepper 3 ml ground cinnamon 4 chicken breast fillets, thinly sliced 50 ml olive oil 2 onions, sliced 1 yellow pepper, cut into strips 30 ml toasted pumpkin seeds (optional) Method:Mix the lemon juice and rind, garlic, castor sugar, herbs and spices.Add the chicken and marinate for at least half an hour.Heat half the oil over a high heat in a frying pan and fry the chicken in two batches for a few minutes, until just cooked through.Remove from the pan and set aside.Heat remaining oil and fry the onions for two minutes; then add the pepper and stir-fry until browned and tender.Return chicken to the pan and stir to heat through.Serve sprinkled with pumpkin seeds.

Why is Exercise Recommended During Pregnancy

Exercise does wonders for you during pregnancy. It helps prepare you for childbirth by strengthening your muscles and building endurance, and makes getting your body back in shape once the baby's born much easier. Staying active during pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean going for the burn. Your body releases a hormone called relaxin during pregnancy which loosens your joints in preparation for delivery, so you need to take care with the choice of exercise and pay attention to technique. It's important to find exercises that won't injure you or harm the baby.

Ideal exercise gets your heart pumping, keeps you supple, manages weight gain, and prepares your muscles for the hard work of labour and delivery -- without causing undue physical stress for you or your baby. Many activities such as running and weight training are fine in the beginning, but you may need to modify your regime as you grow bigger. You'll be better off avoiding activities that could put you at risk of slips and falls, such as cycling, rollerblading, horseriding, and skiing, although people who take part in these sports competitively often continue well into their pregnancy.

The following exercises are fairly safe for expectant mothers, although some of them may not work for you during the last few months of your pregnancy. To be safe, consult your doctor or midwife before embarking on any of these activities.

One of the best cardiovascular exercises for pregnant women, walking keeps you fit without jarring your knees and ankles. It is safe throughout the nine months of pregnancy and can be built into your day-to-day schedule.

Jogging / Running
Going for a jog is the quickest and most efficient way to work your heart and your body. You can tailor it to your schedule -- running 15 minutes one day when that's all you can fit in and 30 the next when you have the time.

Healthcare providers and fitness experts hail swimming as the best and safest exercise for pregnant women. Swimming is ideal because it exercises both large muscle groups (arms and legs), provides good cardiovascular benefits, and allows pregnant women to feel weightless despite the extra weight of pregnancy.

Aquanatal classes
Many women find aquanatal classes enjoyable during pregnancy. Exercising while standing in water is gentle on joints and can help lessen swelling in legs, which is a common symptom in late pregnancy.

Yoga and stretches
Yoga and stretching can help maintain muscle tone and keep you flexible with little if any impact on your joints. However, you may have to augment a yoga regime by walking a few times a week to give your heart a workout. Be careful not to overdo the stretching. You will be more supple as a result of the effects of relaxin, which causes your ligaments to be more pliable. Don't hold the stretches for too long or try to develop your flexibility too much

Pilates is a form of exercise which combines flexibility and strength training with body awareness, breathing and relaxation. The exercises are based on certain movement patterns performed with your tummy and pelvic floor muscles -- known in Pilates as the "stable core" or base. These muscles are also known as deep stabilizing muscles. Because Pilates targets the tummy and pelvic floor muscles and these muscles can weaken during pregnancy, Pilates exercises can be useful. Many Pilates exercies are performed on a "hands and knees" position, and this is an ideal position for pregnancy. It helps to take a lot of stress off your back and pelvis and towards the end of your pregnancy can help to position your baby ready for delivery.

Weight training
If weight training is already part of your exercise routine, there's no reason to stop, although you will need to avoid using heavy weights and assuming certain positions. If you take the necessary precautions and have good technique, weight training is a great way to tone and strengthen your muscles. Avoid overheating and fatigue, and gradually taper off as the pregnancy advances.

You can get your heart pumping by dancing to your favourite tunes in the comfort and privacy of your living room, but steer clear of dance movements which call for you to leap, jump, or twirl. Remember -- technique is important. Avoid sudden changes of direction. If you sign up for a class, you can lose yourself in music, stay fit, and meet others.

Low-impact aerobics
One good thing about an aerobics class is that it's a consistent time slot when you know you'll get some exercise. If you sign up for a class specifically designed for pregnant women, you'll get to enjoy the camaraderie of others just like you, and can feel reassured that each movement has been deemed safe for you and the baby.

The Benefits of Exercise in Pregnancy

Why exercise? It's may be hard enough just to get dressed every day if you're feeling bloated, but believe it or not, a little effort can leave you feeling energized and perhaps a bit like your pre-pregnancy self. Because exercise promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance, it can help you carry the weight you gain during pregnancy, prepare you for the physical stress of labour, and make getting back into shape after the baby is born much easier. Exercising now will: Give you more energyPregnancy can rob you of energy, but regular bouts of exercise, such as brisk walking, will make you feel able to tackle your daily tasks. Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, so you don't tire as easily. With muscles that are strong and toned, you need less effort to engage in any activity, be it shopping for food or sitting through meetings at the office. Help prepare you for the rigours of childbirthIt makes perfect sense: the better shape you're in, the stronger you'll be to cope with labour and the delivery. Giving birth is akin to running a marathon -- it requires stamina, determination, and focus. Keeping physically active during pregnancy is good preparation for the hard work of labour. Additionally, some research has shown that fetuses of women who exercised during labour may tolerate labour better than those of the non-exercisers. Reduce pregnancy discomfort Exercise stretches and strengthens your muscles, which helps your body cope better with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Stretches ease back pain, walking improves your circulation, and swimming can strengthen your abdominal muscles. Fend off the pregnancy bluesPregnancy is a nine month rehearsal for a big event -- childbirth -- and, after the initial excitement of telling everyone is over, you're left with a lot of waiting. By the sixth or seventh month, pregnancy can become downright tedious. And boredom may result from the increased weight gains and tiredness restricting your social activities. Finding a new activity appropriate for pregnant women may be one answer. "The best thing I can do at the moment to get some relief from feeling as big as a house is to do aquarobics... I find the relaxation session at the end -- when we float to music -- very therapeutic. It also gets you out of the house," says Kim. Help you sleep betterWhen you're carrying all that extra weight in front of you, finding a comfortable position to sleep in at night can be a real challenge. Exercise will help you work off any excess energy, and will tire you enough to lull you into a deeper, more restful slumber. Reduce stress and lift your spiritsPregnancy and having a child is a life-changing, momentous event which can leave you feeling ecstatic yet overwhelmed and anxious at the same time. One good way to shake the blues is by dancing to the beat of a happy tune. One study found that exercise can boost your levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood, putting you in better spirits. When you're feeling a little blue, try putting on your favourite CD and kicking up your heels in the living room, or sign up for a low-impact dance class. Make sure you follow low-impact aerobics and let your teacher know that you are pregnant. Improve your self-imageFace it: your body's not the svelte thing it used to be, and although you know it's for a good cause, watching the scale creep its way up to numbers you've never seen before can be disheartening. Staying active can make you feel less frumpy. It can also help you shed weight faster postnatally. Help you get your body back faster postnatally This alone is reason enough for many women to embark on a pregnancy exercise regime. As Angela puts it, "I am ready to get back to an active lifestyle and reclaim my body!" If you've managed to maintain your strength and muscle tone all through your pregnancy by staying fit, your body will have an easier time bouncing back after you give birth.
may also be interested in:What are the benefits of exercise in pregnancy?
Why exercise? It's may be hard enough just to get dressed every day if you're feeling bloated and sick to your stomach, but believe it or not, a little effort can leave you feeling energized and perhaps a bit like your pre-pregnancy self. Because exercise promotes muscle tone, strength, and endurance, it can help you carry the weight you gain during pregnancy, prepare you for the physical stress of labour, and make getting back into shape after the baby is born much easier. Before beginning any exercise program, make sure you follow safety guidelines, especially now that you're pregnant. Exercising now will: Give you more energyPregnancy can rob you of energy, but regular bouts of exercise, such as brisk walking, will make you feel able to tackle your daily tasks. Exercise strengthens your cardiovascular system, so you don't tire as easily. With muscles that are strong and toned, you need less effort to engage in any activity, be it shopping for food or sitting through meetings at the office. Help prepare you for the rigours of childbirthIt makes perfect sense: the better shape you're in, the stronger you'll be to cope with labour and the delivery. Giving birth is akin to running a marathon -- it requires stamina, determination, and focus. Keeping physically active during pregnancy is good preparation for the hard work of labour. Additionally, some research has shown that fetuses of women who exercised during labour may tolerate labour better than those of the non-exercisers. Reduce pregnancy discomfortExercise stretches and strengthens your muscles, which helps your body cope better with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Stretches ease back pain, walking improves your circulation, and swimming can strengthen your abdominal muscles. Fend off the pregnancy bluesPregnancy is a nine month rehearsal for a big event -- childbirth -- and, after the initial excitement of telling everyone is over, you're left with a lot of waiting. By the sixth or seventh month, pregnancy can become downright tedious. And boredom may result from the increased weight gains and tiredness restricting your social activities. Finding a new activity appropriate for pregnant women may be one answer. "The best thing I can do at the moment to get some relief from feeling as big as a house is to do aquarobics... I find the relaxation session at the end -- when we float to music -- very therapeutic. It also gets you out of the house," says Kim. Help you sleep betterWhen you're carrying all that extra weight in front of you, finding a comfortable position to sleep in at night can be a real challenge. Exercise will help you work off any excess energy, and will tire you enough to lull you into a deeper, more restful slumber. Reduce stress and lift your spiritsPregnancy and having a child is a life-changing, momentous event which can leave you feeling ecstatic yet overwhelmed and anxious at the same time. One good way to shake the blues is by dancing to the beat of a happy tune. One study found that exercise can boost your levels of serotonin, a brain chemical linked to mood, putting you in better spirits. When you're feeling a little blue, try putting on your favourite CD and kicking up your heels in the living room, or sign up for a low-impact dance class. Make sure you follow low-impact aerobics and let your teacher know that you are pregnant. Improve your self-imageFace it: your body's not the svelte thing it used to be, and although you know it's for a good cause, watching the scale creep its way up to numbers you've never seen before can be disheartening. Staying active can make you feel less frumpy. It can also help you shed weight faster postnatally. Help you get your body back faster postnatally This alone is reason enough for many women to embark on a pregnancy exercise regime. As Angela puts it, "I am ready to get back to an active lifestyle and reclaim my body!" If you've managed to maintain your strength and muscle tone all through your pregnancy by staying fit, your body will have an easier time bouncing back after you give birth.

Secret ways to earn more from affliate marketing

Read on to learn the facts about affiliate marketing. The more you learn and understand the more success you will have in affiliate marketing. Affiliates would learn much more if they would visit affiliate marketing programs and explore their websites. That is what affiliate marketing is about and you must learn how o build a website based on making back-end sales from other peoples products A good affiliate marketing program will assist you in every way possible to be successful and make money. By reading, getting proper training, and a little coaching, the possibility to become successful and for a good income in affiliate marketing is always out there On the other hand a company with good affiliate marketing program services provides you with all of the tools you need to succeed. Affiliate marketing is indeed a good way to make extra money, or even a lot of money if you are proficient at it. While affiliate marketing has been around for a long time, the newest innovations in technology have made it easier to set up and work a good affiliate marketing program. This article, therefore, focuses more on affiliate programs, affiliate marketing and finding the top selling products to market. The critical distinction to make with affiliate web site marketing is that you are not actually selling anything. Yes, you can send traffic directly to you merchants by Direct Linking and see some success without a website, but to really take advantage of affiliate marketing you must a have good website. Well don’t give up until you’ve looked at a good affiliate program marketing partnership. Check out a good affiliate marketing program today. The first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website. Of course, not all affiliate marketing online programs are the same so you should look for one that pays a good commission on a regular basis. No affiliate marketing program is complete without good affiliate support and these programs give you the best. When you are running an affiliate marketing business, it is vital that you maintain a good cash flow. The selling point of affiliate marketing is that it gets everybody benefited not only a little but a lot. You can make money with affiliate programs while you are selling your own network marketing opportunity. Companies offering affiliate-marketing programs provide you with a lucrative method of selling your products. Hosted Marketing Pages are also termed Pre-selling Pages or Content Hosting because they are very similar to affiliate pages/sites in that they serve to pre-sell your site’s services or products. Your infrastructure needs to be built on a solid foundation which includes everything from an innovative strategic marketing plan to a coordinated program which includes the following elements: A comprehensive marketing and promotional plan including assorted advertising mix in key places in addition to a national media campaign Cutting edge on-line marketing and promotion with your own user friendly website (links, pop up banner, affiliate program, ezine newsletter, direct response with a compelling sales letter, article submission, media e-mail blast to keep your name in front of the media with different press releases, sample of products, plenty of endorsements. It really is very simple just launch your blog, post your articles and learn as you go along, how to maximize on blogs as marketing tools that will bring a huge difference to your affiliate marketing. If you are going to learn one thing from this, remember that the fastest way of making money with affiliate marketing is through your own list of subscribers. You'll learn step-by-step how to get your Affiliate Marketing business going and finally start making money with it, even if you don't have your own website or your own product But if you approach affiliate programs as business venture, and work to shorten your learning curve by reading how to books and subscribing to free tutorial series on internet marketing, you will learn quickly